April 05, 2010
Gratuitous Touron Observation
On Saturday, Mrs. Robbo and the Llama-ettes, plus Robbo's visiting brother and his family of five, all went downtown in Your Nation's Capital in order to view the cherry blossoms and generally see the sights.
Them and about a jillion other people, apparently.
Sensing in advance the crowding, the heat and the general unpleasantness involved in such a jaunt, I point-blank refused to go with them, contenting myself instead to put the finishing touches on cleaning Orgle Manor and making preparations for feeding a dozen souls at Easter Dinner.
Yes, I wound up working pretty hard, but I'm quite convinced that I chose wisely.
Indeed you did. Other than driving past the tidal basin on the 14th St bridge I've not "been to see" the cherry blossoms since I was about 16 years old. That is going on 25 years ago. There are just too many damned people down there.
When I was 16 we had a friend with a boat who took us by in the river very slowly. It was a very nice experience. I recommend it.
Posted by: The Maximum Leader at April 5, 2010 12:02 PMYup. And the metro stations were awful filthy this morning as a result of the stampede.
Posted by: Robbo the LB at April 5, 2010 02:28 PM