June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jo Harding!


The lovely and talented Helen Hunt turns 47 today.

Nay-sayers may, uh, say that Helen has fallen off the map in recent years and is ripe for Estrogen-channel "gutsy yet vulnerable public defender discovering what it means to be a True Woman"-type roles.

Well, I say nuts to them. To me, Ms. Hunt will always remain firmly planted in the mid-90's, chasing twisters in a soaked tank-top and sports bra.

UPDATE: Didn't see the LMC's preemptive strike before I posted my own tribute.


Wondering Yips! from Gary:
I used to be a big fan back in the "Mad About You"/"Twister" days but what happened to this chick? Is she in the witness protection program now? It's like the Oscar was the kiss of death.

Over the last ten years she's only been in (other than a Simpson's guest spot) two films that seemed to have been picked up on the radar (a cameo in "Castaway" doesn't count) - "What Women Want", which should have been titled "What Movie Audiences Don't Want" and "Pay It Forward" which had the WORST.ENDING.EVER of any movie ever made. Don't even throw that one in your Netflix queue.

Oh, and don't get me started on her dumping Hank Azaria right after the post-Oscar parties. What, did she get tired of hearing him do the "Comic Book Guy" voice in bed? Sheesh.


Posted by Robert at June 15, 2010 09:24 AM | TrackBack
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