February 08, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It - Wait A Minute, Can We Stop For A While?

Here we go again:

... Winter Storm Watch now in effect from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday evening...

The Winter Storm Watch is now in effect from Tuesday afternoon
through Wednesday evening.

* Precipitation type... snow.

* Accumulations... potential for 8 or more inches of snow. There is
a good likelihood of snow in excess of 10 inches.

* Timing... mid to late afternoon Tuesday through Wednesday.

This is on top of the nearly two feet on the ground already.

I confess that I'm getting quite sick of it all.

Remind me of this, please, when I'm griping about the heat and humidity come summah.

UPDATE: Sweet baybee Jaysus!

... Winter Storm Warning in effect from noon Tuesday to 7 PM EST Wednesday...

The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a
Winter Storm Warning for... which is in effect from noon Tuesday
to 7 PM EST Wednesday. The Winter Storm Watch is no longer in

* Precipitation type... snow.

* Accumulations... 10 to 20 inches.

* Timing... mid-afternoon Tuesday through Wednesday.

* Temperatures... temperatures near freezing at the onset Tuesday
afternoon. Temperatures will drop into the upper 20s Tuesday
night and Wednesday.

* Winds... light southeasterly winds Tuesday becoming
northwesterly 15 to 25 mph Wednesday.

I positively guarantee that this means the power will go out again. Although I am all for the great Commonwealth of Virginny in most things, the fact of the matter is that Virginia Power's grid does not seem to have been upgraded since Reconstruction.

Mrs. Robbo is already making noise about checking into a hotel.

Posted by Robert at February 8, 2010 02:22 PM | TrackBack

I think power loss is all dependent on your power company. I have been with NOVEC in several abodes and the only time I ever lost power was during hurricane Isabel and that was only for about 8 hours total. Dominion Power is not as reliable, imho.

Posted by: jen at February 8, 2010 07:20 PM

Do what us New Englanders have done since the invention of the internal combustion engine. Buy a portable generator. A 5 KW unit will keep the furnace & fridge running while having more than enough spare power for the TV and a bunch of lights.

Up here my mantra is "warm house, cold beer, & TV". Give me these and I can outlast any storm.

Posted by: Captain Ned at February 8, 2010 07:46 PM

I'm back home in the dee cee area, a day later than originally scheduled, and just in time for round two.

It took about half an hour to dig my car out in the economy lot at Dulles - there was a four-foot drift up against the driver's side. I should give kudos to the Dulles parking operations. They had roving plows in the lot to help motorists get their cars out, and I wouldn't have gotten my car out without their help. Nevertheless, when I go skiing next year, I'll either shell out the extra $8 per day to park under cover or I'll take Washington Flyer to and from the airport!

Posted by: ChrisN at February 8, 2010 11:59 PM

Keep your eye on the cats. Maake sure they have plenty of food so that you don't suffer any "accidents."

Posted by: rbj at February 9, 2010 09:07 AM

Glad to hear you are all OK. Get ready for round three!

Posted by: Babs at February 9, 2010 04:54 PM

Ya know, there's a reason I chose to live in Virginia and not Minne-snow-ta. Anyone singing "White Christmas" next year should be shot.

Posted by: Mike F at February 10, 2010 01:15 PM

I am seriously reconsidering my "no snowblower" policy.

Posted by: rbj at February 10, 2010 01:32 PM
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