April 06, 2009

Bizarre Pregnancy Dream Contest

We have some five months to go before the arrival of the third installment in the offspring series and Mrs. LMC's nighttime dreams have taken a turn for the really bizarre so it is time for a contest--the winnner gets a linkie to this video:

Chai-Rista, Kathy, Monica Mink, Jen (formerly Jen Speaks), submit your entries!

Yips! from Robbo: Not going there, but this song (and his others that borrow WWI imagery) always reminds me of my longstanding opinion that "Sting" is a Siegfried Sassoon -wanabee.

Posted by LMC at April 6, 2009 07:24 AM | TrackBack

Dream? Who gets to SLEEP when you have a backpack, filled with three or four 2-liter bottles of coke, strapped to your front? If I did have the audacity to fall asleep, my "round ligament" (what the hell is that anyway) woke me with a tree-mendous stab with a kitchen knife.

But other than that, and the hobbitt-sized feet, and the elastic-waisted, flip-flopped, white-trash beauty regimen, pregnancy was teh awesome!

Posted by: Monica at April 6, 2009 11:04 AM

Sleep, pheh.

So where is Chai-Rista, anyway? Did we scare her away too, with too much oogedy-boogedy? I want to know how the puppies-no-more are doing.

Posted by: Monica at April 6, 2009 01:18 PM

Monica, hilarious! And exactly what I dealt with in my last month. I'm happy to be on the post-birth side of things now.

I had some bizarro dreams, one of which was very disturbing but that I can't remember now. I also had a weird waking moment that terrified me, but that I have decided to keep mum on except to Beau.

I think my weirdest dreams from being pregnant with my first were the Tom Cruise dreams - I was clearly very worried about Katie and Suri because I kept dreaming that I needede to rescue them from Crazy Tom. Even Nicole Kidman was featured, trying to help me help Katie.

Posted by: jen at April 7, 2009 09:29 AM