November 30, 2008

It is a wonderful life

here at the post headquarters, located amidst the vast real estate holdings which comprise Fort LMC. We hosted the Thanksgiving wingding for the LMC clan, 26 of whom showed up for the party. The bird was cooked successfully, meaning it fried turkey, not turkey flambe which would require the last minute addition of the Virginia Beach Fire Department to the guest list. The assembled throng consumed vast quantities of adult beverages, yet no one uttered anything which required apologies upon sober reflection. Last night we travelled in the LMC staff car to attend the lighting of the city Christmas tree and the lights of the Town Center and Christmas parade after which we retired to the post headquarters. Last night featured the latest from Netflix by gas firelight, doing our best to consume fossil fuels and keep the good folks at Dominion Gas happy. Today, the Christmas decorations went up with the only snag being how to wire the lights on the tree so that all will light. All in all, not too bad. Hope all is well and that you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Posted by LMC at November 30, 2008 06:04 PM | TrackBack