April 03, 2006

The best argument against intelligent design


Darwin 1, Humanity 0

Posted by Steve at April 3, 2006 01:53 PM | TrackBack

Why would this be an argument against ID? It seems to me if Evolution were true, such idiocy would have been bred out of what's supposed to be the most evolved species on the planet. On the other hand, freedom of choice allows us to screw up what's been Intelligently Designed, assuming (logically so) that freedom of choice were part of that design.

Posted by: Danny Carlton at April 3, 2006 02:28 PM

If ID is true, then this universe was made by a schoolkid for his eighth grade science fair. He got things like flight and planet formation down pretty well, but as for that species named "homo sapiens," well, that's why the kid is still in school.

Posted by: rbj at April 3, 2006 02:46 PM

Love the money quote:

"We can't have people who are not medical doctors lopping off limbs and other body parts."

This is why david Lynch set Blue Velvet in rural North Carolina . . .

Posted by: Chai-rista at April 3, 2006 03:22 PM

Well, it's about time somebody found a way to be able to accept their Darwin Awards in person instead of posthumously.

Posted by: McGehee at April 3, 2006 07:22 PM