July 21, 2008

Gratuitous Llama Milestone Posting

Here's something to bring a smile on a Monday morning: We Llamas are now just over 600 hits shy of the 1.5 mil mark. If current traffic patterns hold, we ought to cross the line some time later on this afternoon.

Okay, I know most of the traffic these days comes from google image searches for "Juliet Huddy's toes in pudding" and the like, but even so........dang! I also know that we have at least some real live readers out there. For that half dozen or so of you, all I can say is thank you very much for indulging us in the silly nonsense we've been putting up here all these years now.

Yip! Yip! Yip!

UPDATE: In answer to a flood of questions to the Tasty Bits (TM) Mail Sack:

1. No, I don't know what Steve-O is up to at the moment. But remember that he's an academician (so's the Chai-Rista) and they hibernate during the summah. Also remember that this is an election year - I reckon that neither Steve-O, Gary nor the LMC will be able to resist the urge to bloviate as the campaigns hot up.

2. Yes, I am finally going to get around to weeding the blogrolls. We have a goodish number of dead links that need rooting out, plus I have a fistfull of regular reads not already on the rolls that need to be planted. When am I going to do this? As Manuel would say, "Hey-ven-tu-a-leeeee".

3. For all I know, we have no plans to migrate to Wordpress or some other hosting platform at the moment. As I explained to Groovy Vic when we met for lunch the other day, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know how since I have the technical savvy of a young wombat. Also, whatever convulsions Moo Knew has been going through lately seem to have simmered down. Also, I recently switched over to Firefox from IE and have been having much better luck with both reading and posting. Why fix the roof when it ain't raining?

4. Yes, of course if you're the 1.5 millionth hit and I can figure out who you are, I'd be happy to send you an autographed Llama thong! (I can say this in confidence of not being too embarrassed because I happen to know that Mom's Internet access is down at the moment.)

Posted by Robert at July 21, 2008 08:44 AM | TrackBack

Yes but Sister's is still working. EEEEEEEEWWWWW!

Posted by: Sister at July 21, 2008 11:40 AM