April 25, 2008

More Random Seasonal Observations

Regular reader Babs has been jerking my chain recently because I haven't posted about gardening at all yet this year. Well I certainly intend to return to it shortly (with pics if I can ever swipe the camera back from the Missus long enough). In the meantime, I will leave you with some tid-bits:

1. Did I mention that we actually found a neighborhood kid willing to mow the lawn for us? Woo Hoo!! I hope he's paying attention to teh weather forecast, tho, because it's supposed to storm tomorrow afternoon and the grass is already pretty high.

2. I have a ginormous Buddleia in the garden that I have nicknamed Kong. Last year, Kong got busy, with the result that lots of little Konglings sprouted up all around. I've dug up some of these and put them in half whiskey barrels on the patio and by the front walk this year. We'll see how they do - hopefully they won't become so mammoth in size as their progenitor.

3. I also got the idea to try pots of morning-glory on the back deck this year, letting them wind their way around the railing. The Missus' first reaction was, "Well how are you going to restain the deck?" Of course the answer is that I'm not. Silly Missus!

4. Last weekend I dug up some young raspberries for the headmistress at St. Marie of the Blessed Educational Method. I must say that I absolutely love the custom of people giving each other samples out of their gardens.

Posted by Robert at April 25, 2008 11:03 AM | TrackBack

3. I also got the idea to try pots of morning-glory on the back deck this year, letting them wind their way around the railing. The Missus' first reaction was, "Well how are you going to restain the deck?" Of course the answer is that I'm not. Silly Missus!

Indeed - why restain the deck when you can have pretty flowers covering it?

Posted by: diane at April 25, 2008 11:28 AM

I have hops covering my deck...same vine-y curling, but no flowers. The "cones" are pretty cool, though, and smell like, well, hops when you crush 'em in your hand. And they're perennial! The Japanese Beetles like to make whoopee in them, for some reason.

Posted by: Monica at April 25, 2008 01:05 PM

I do love sharing plants with others and getting a share from their gardens. It's obviously cheaper than going shopping, but it also means the plants sometimes come with stories.

And as for the buddleia -- I've always read that they were invasive, but have never seen any evidence of it in my own plants, but when we were in England, they were growing all over in places they obviously weren't planted. But if you're going to have an invasive plant, a pretty one that attracts butterflies isn't such a bad thing.

Posted by: Jordana at April 25, 2008 01:48 PM


Posted by: Babs at April 26, 2008 12:16 PM