September 10, 2007

A-double-Lizzle aint going to like this

The big A's going to be moaning about this one: Apple's offering store credit of seven grand to customers---if they can produce an original proof of purchase and receipt for the Apple Lisa:

Early adopters of the iPhone weren't the only ones receiving in-store credit from Steve Jobs. In an overlooked announcement, Jobs said that early adopters of the Apple Lisa would be receiving a $7000 in-store credit.

Apple released the Lisa in January of 1983 for $9,995, and the similar Macintosh was released a year later for $2,495.

"I've felt bad about people who bought the Lisa for a long time. Anybody who bought one of the first Apple Lisas really got screwed," said Jobs. "Now that we've got some cash, I think it's about time we made it right."

People interested in the refund will need to bring in an original receipt showing they bought the Lisa in 1983 and proof of purchase from the Apple Lisa box.

The article goes on to point out this might create a bit of a problem for Apple, as disgruntled early-adopters of the Newton and the Apple III might get their pocket protectors in a twist and demand refunds of their own.

D'OH! Too good to be true, my friends.

Posted by Steve-O at September 10, 2007 08:47 PM | TrackBack

I'm going to use my $100.00 Apple Store iPhone credit to FINALLY get an AirPort Extreme base station. My old white one actually runs slower than my DSL connection.

I just wish they'd give the option of $100.00 iTunes credit!!!

Posted by: Hucbald at September 10, 2007 10:42 PM