June 06, 2007

Gratuitous Domestic Posting - Academic Wrap-Up Division

Magic Flute.jpg

This afternoon is the big Spring Concert/Graduation at St. Marie of the Blessed Educational Method. One of the main events will be the lower elementary class performance of Mozart's Magic Flute, or at least a severely edited kiddie version of it.

Because there are so many more students than there are parts, each character gets divied up. In past years I've found this rayther confusing, especially as, given the usual run of elementary level plays, I haven't always paid that close attention to what was happening on stage.

This year will be different, however, in part because we're doing the Mozart and in part because it's the last hurrah of the eldest Llama-ette, who will be passing on to the upper elementary class next year. She's landed a share of the Queen of the Night. (She also has a part in one of the choruses.) I am resisting very strongly the temptation to believe that this was a piece of blatant type-casting. Instead, I will simply note that the gel need not dig down very deep in order to project imperiousness.

The seven year old is also in the production. As befits her first year status, she has been relegated to the role of one of Papageno's birds, in which character she is called upon to caw a number of times. Being the sunny enthusiast of the family, I don't doubt she'll knock some plaster down out of the ceiling with her birdcalls.

I am under such incredibly strict orders from all of my daughters not to be late for the performance which starts at one o'clock sharp, Daddy, that I was tempted simply to drive over to school this morning and sit in the parking lot until it's time to go in.

Posted by Robert at June 6, 2007 08:10 AM | TrackBack

Queen of the Night, eh? That fits.

Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at June 6, 2007 08:30 AM

Oh God Robert. I used to have to lie to get out of work to go to school performances. Seems like old man time clock doesn't give a damn about family obligations...
Prior to said performance I would be treated to no end of bleating from the children about whethter or not I would be able to make it.

Posted by: Babs at June 6, 2007 05:18 PM