October 06, 2006

Non Semper In Vino Veritas

Here we go again.

CNN has a puff piece up today about the pleasures of exploring Virginia Wine Country.

Now I admit that I've not tried Barboursville Vineyard (featured in the article) and am intrigued to give its sangiovese a whirl. As a matter of fact, the last time I brought up this subject, a commenter specifically recommended it to me.

Nonetheless, and Lawd knows that in most respects I'm a booster of this great Commonwealth in which I live, but friends, I tell you truly: Virginia wine is high-priced cough-syrup.

So by all means, come and enjoy the Piedmont! It's one of the most beautiful parts of the country and is chocked full of all sorts of nifty historickal interest as well. But don't let yourself get suckered into believing that just because the glass of wine you're sampling was produced from grapes grown in the shadow of Monticello, that somehow makes it taste any better or makes it worth twenty bucks a bottle, because this simply isn't the case.

UPDATE: Now here's the way to do a proper wine tour - get a job with the Ministry of Silly Tipplers.

Posted by Robert at October 6, 2006 08:55 AM | TrackBack

I am going to blog about my Quixotic search for a drinkable Upstate NY red sometime next week.

Rieslings? As good as anything from Germany. But cough syrup would be an improvement for the reds.

Posted by: The Colossus at October 6, 2006 01:03 PM

Back around Memorial Day, my SIL came to visit and brought a bottle from a winery in Minnesota, one that is considered some of the best that state produces. She boldy proclaimed we'd have a tasting competition.

There was no contest. The stuff was uber-sweet, I could have sworn I was drinking a late harvest wine. I was gracious, and allowed that it would make a good dessert wine, or do ok paired with certain lighter, spicier fare, such as barbecue or Italian food, but for steaks or any sort of serious beef dish, or even as a general table wine, I still think it was too sweet.

Posted by: Brian B at October 6, 2006 07:55 PM