October 04, 2006

Insert evil cackling laugh

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip---NBC's Aaron Sorking/Bradley Whitford/Matthew Perry piously sanctimonious paen to SNL and the evils of uppity Christians---is in a ratings nosedive, unlike, ironically, the show within a show on the show. I guess those Crazy Christians in Terre Haute are having the last laugh.

Posted by Steve-O at October 4, 2006 02:04 PM | TrackBack

And yet, a comfortable second in it's Wednesday 8:00pm time slot, is Jericho, which is about--well, nuclear war.

See, Steve-O. Nuclear war. A popular idea whose time has come.

I just wonder if the EMP will fry the Al-Jazerra cameras before we get a close look at some of our beauties going off over Iran, Syria, ad infinitum...

Posted by: Pep at October 4, 2006 03:40 PM