September 19, 2006

Tales From The "Duh" Side

Screwcaps blamed for tainting wine.

The tasters at this year's International Wine Challenge, discovered that while cork taint is on the decline, the problems affecting wines sealed with screwcaps have probably been underestimated.

Of course, this discounts the fact that most wine coming out of a screw-capped bottle is so awful anyway that it's tough to even notice any additional problems.

YIPS from Steve-O: If that's not a surer sign that we are losing the War on Terror I know of no other.

Posted by Robert at September 19, 2006 12:42 PM | TrackBack

Supposedly, the screwcaps were the better technology and even good wineries were switching to them.

The best screwcap wine I've had in a white, is Conundrum by Caymus Vineyards. Not a cheap wine by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted by: The Colossus at September 19, 2006 09:22 PM