July 06, 2006

"Cry God for Harry, England and A Saint To Be Named Later!"

Good God.

The Church of England, as if it hasn't got enough problems on its hands, is considering a move to eject St. George as England's patron saint, replacing him with St. Alban.

The proposal was put forth by a vicar who apparently claims a lack of historical evidence that St. George ever actually existed, but according to the article, the real motivation behind reconsidering his patronage is his association with the Crusades and the belief that he is "too warlike and might offend the Muslims."

Message to the C of E: A culture that doesn't believe in itself anymore dies.

Yips! to the Colossus.

UPDATE: Oh, and of course, get rid of the saint, get rid of his flag. Further message to the C of E:

St. George.jpg


Posted by Robert at July 6, 2006 07:50 AM | TrackBack

You can be absolutely positive that the musselmen will never change anything about their religion for fear of offending a Christian, or, infidel as they call them. That is why they will win this time around. Keep in mind that they do not want you to convert, they want you to die. Offending you is therefore not something they are too worried about.

Posted by: Basil Seal at July 6, 2006 09:15 AM

Maybe they could replace George with a new patron saint of dhimmitude. You know--someone who avoided martyrdom by refusing to defend their own beliefs and abasing themselves before people who despised Christians. A move like that would show complete contempt for Christian tradition, but a tip o' the hat to the future of Britain and the C of E.

Posted by: utron at July 6, 2006 12:02 PM