June 07, 2006

Gratuitous Montessori Posting

As regular readers know, I like to indulge in a moderate amount of baiting concerning St. Marie of the Blessed Educational Method. This gets to be a bit hard on the Missus (a Montessori teacher) since she invariably goes for it and removing the hook from her throat can sometimes be a painful operation.

So in the spirit of barblessness for a change, allow me to pass on the fact that her class of lower elementary students just got back their national testing results. Of the thirty-odd kids that she and her co-teacher manage, only two tested to their own grade levels. All the rest tested above, some significantly so. Well done, indeed.

And just by way of a bit of gratuitous Proud Parent bragging, the eldest Llama-ette is finishing up her second grade year. On a battery of eleven different subject fields, she tested to an average fifth grade equivalent. Her reading vocabulary was at the sixth grade level and in "mathematical processes", which the test defines as number facts, computation with whole numbers, computation in context and computation/symbolic notation, she tested to the ninth grade, acing the section. Yikes.

Posted by Robert at June 7, 2006 10:42 AM | TrackBack

Well, putting those two anecdotes together, I think we're all forced to conclude that the clearly very bright and very advanced eldest daughter owes it all to her mother!

Seriously, congratulations!

Posted by: RP at June 7, 2006 12:56 PM

encourage her in math....

too many girls are talked out of being good in math, it is a travesty. Considering how important it is for various careers, it can be a problem.

Grace Hopper isn't a bad role model for her.

Posted by: Zendo Deb at June 7, 2006 01:59 PM

Just be wary when she starts advising you to invest in derivatives.

Posted by: rbj at June 7, 2006 02:05 PM

Congrats to the Llama-ette, and well done to the parents. Just see to it that she stays out the public school system, or all that achievement will be washed away by a tsunami of peer pressure, abetted by teachers who know less than she does.

Posted by: utron at June 7, 2006 04:53 PM

Congratulations to parents and child!

My children are in the public school system, but since they are, we try to keep them involved in "learning" (they just don't know it!) outside of the classroom. We also keep a finger on the pulse of what is going on inside the classroom.

Private or public school, involved parents make a huge difference in their own child's learning as well as other children in the classroom.

Congrats again.

Posted by: keysunset at June 8, 2006 11:12 PM