June 07, 2006

Where's Robbo?

It's that time of the year: school, Brownies, soccer and other activities are all winding down and with their ends come the inevitable ceremonies, parties and programs. Today is the graduation ceremony for the elementary classes at St. Marie of the Blessed Educational Method and it's perfectly timed so that slogging down to the office and back either before or after just isn't worth it. (I go through a fair number of banked up PTO hours about this time of year.)

This year, the eldest Llama-ette is participating in a class play. It seems to focus on two sisters in Zimbabwe back in the good old days. Beautiful princesses they are, one good, kind and sweet and the other vain, proud and grasping. Take a wild guess at which part the Llama-ette opted for. She told me several times that she likes the bad sister part because she gets to do a lot of shouting at people. Being diplomatic, I refrained from suggesting that there might have been some type-casting involved. Well, mostly.

We'll see how it goes.

Posted by Robert at June 7, 2006 10:19 AM | TrackBack

The bad gals and guys always have the best lines.

Posted by: Rachel at June 7, 2006 12:58 PM