May 19, 2006

From the cheap seats . . .

More on the Episcopal church and its V. Gene Robinson problems. Robbo, Rome is always taking new applications.

Yips! from Robbo: Ot-nay in-ay ont-fray of-ay e-thay issus-May!

I'm a little disappointed that this post didn't make it into the article. *Sniff*

As a matter of fact, now that the Church has dodged one potential crisis with the election of a non-controversial new Bishop to the Diocese of California, the majority of the delegates at General Convention will probably be in full kissy-kissy mode and I don't expect to see much by way of fireworks. The real question will be what the rest of the Anglican Communion makes of it. Personally, I think the Episcopal Church will only be able to mouth conciliatory platitudes for just so long and sooner or later the Communion will get fed up with it. I see the Windsor Report - cited in my earlier post - as a warning shot in deadly earnest but I don't know yet just how seriously the Church is taking it.

The trouble with a Faith that has become over-intellectualized is not only that its members cease to really believe in anything so quaint as concepts of Right and Wrong, but that they also cease to understand how anybody else could. The Episcopal Church reasons that any differences in the Communion can be papered over with sufficient expressions of "concern" and calls for "unity" and "understanding". But many of the Anglican Churches in places like Africa and Asia - where their members are going toe to toe with Islam in genuine ideological battle - see things in a very different light.

Posted by LMC at May 19, 2006 04:58 AM | TrackBack