May 12, 2006

Jack Bauer Watch

Our apologies to all of you looking for this week's Carnival of the Bauer, which we are supposed to be hosting. I say "we" but it's really Steve-O's pigeon, since I've never even seen the show. (And before you start damning me, it's not that I'm not interested, I simply just haven't.)

Anyhoo, we had a bunch of Moo Knew problems against last evening and that seems to have thrown a spanner into the works. I'm sure that Steve-O will have the thing up and running before you can say "Get me the schematics - NOW!"

Or will he?

As I say, I've never see the show. But I know two things about it:

1. Jack Bauer never ever takes five minutes to run down to the men's room or to get a soda.

2. There are moles everywhere.

Now this got me thinking. The second one, I mean. Steve-O's been all gung-ho about the Carnival business for some time.....Yet now that we're hosting, it's not up......Could it be that Steve is.....???

Your assignment: Find out what Steve-O has done with Jack Bauer. NOW!

Posted by Robert at May 12, 2006 01:56 PM | TrackBack

We want Jack! We want Jack! We want Jack!

Posted by: jwookie at May 12, 2006 05:40 PM