March 21, 2006


I suppose it's the nooz today that Florida nympho teacher Debra LaFave apparently will walk that has produced the sitemeter google-chum feeding frenzy over this Llama oldie.

What the hell. Like Ms. LaFave, we ain't exactly discriminatin', ya know.

Posted by Robert at March 21, 2006 04:57 PM | TrackBack

All one can hope is the poor boy has begun to heal. I know, when I was 14, such an experience would have inspired vividterrifying dreams for years afterwards.

Posted by: John Climacus at March 21, 2006 06:02 PM

Bipolar disorder?

"Y'see, your Honor, when I'm on a manic swing, I'm so HAPPY that I just can't stop screwing 14 year olds!"

Posted by: mojo at March 22, 2006 02:45 PM