March 06, 2006

Don't take the money if you don't want the strings

The Supremes ruled 8-0 the feds can require colleges that take federal funds to allow military recruiters. Oh, how schools love to take the money . . . Now the million-dollar question, which schools will stand on what passes for their principles, tell the feds to keep the money, and bar recruiters? Not many.

Posted by LMC at March 6, 2006 04:09 PM | TrackBack

With the Queen's shilling, comes the Queen's command...How ironic, that the Ivory Tower types, in the name of freedom of expression, despise the institutions that guard that freedom, from those who would seek to take the West back to the eighth century.

Posted by: KMR at March 6, 2006 09:48 PM

Oh how the antiwar wussies at CODE PINK and CINDY SHEEHANS bunch are going the be whinning about this how their going to wring their hands and how do you think they will feel in hanoi on the bay SAN FRANCISCO?

Posted by: spurwing plover at March 6, 2006 09:55 PM