February 15, 2006


For all of those in the antique media salivating over the possibility that this is the chance to force out Dick Cheney, be careful what you ask for-you might get it. Rush suggested the possibililty of Condolezza Rice in the unlikely event Cheney were to step aside. My personal favorite is, of course, The Donald.

YIPS from Steve: Trump for VP? Geez, I can't imagine The Donald taking the second seat for anybody.

But it would be hilarious watching him at the funerals of foreign dignitaries....

INDIGNANT LMC YIPS: Steve-O, you should have clicked the link on The Donald before concluding that I meant Donald Trump, rather than the only man to hold the office of Secretary of Defense twice, former carrier pilot, congressman, ambassador, CIA director, and self-made multi-millionaire.

SGT. HULKA YIPS: Lighten up, Francis. It was a joke.

But I tell you, though, that your defense of the SecDef could be set to music---I'm thinking the theme to Shaft would work.

EVEN MORE FRANCIS YIPS: I should have seen the subtle Steve-O humor before I employed the over-the-top use of rhetorical force. Anyhoo, I was thinking maybe the theme from "SWAT".

YIPS! From Robbo: I was going to make some kind of Donald Duck joke. A quick trip through the fields of google led me to this from The World of Longmire:


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is wrong on so many levels I feel as if I'm on the verge of discovering some grand unification theory of awfulness if I can only figure out where I need to carry the seven.

Posted by LMC at February 15, 2006 02:05 PM | TrackBack

Wouldn't he have to go through a confirmation proceeding? (I was all of 9 at the time of Ford). Imagine Trump in front of all those senators. "You will address me as THE Donald".

Posted by: rbj at February 15, 2006 02:31 PM

y'know, I honestly think Condi would hate to have to take that job.
The Donald, on the other hand, would love it.
The man's hair is epic.

Posted by: moleboy at February 15, 2006 02:42 PM

"Kofi, you're fired."

Posted by: The Colossus at February 15, 2006 03:50 PM

Rob - shouldn't you be carrying a three?

Posted by: tee bee at February 15, 2006 05:59 PM

That is a completely weird picture.

Posted by: Sadie at February 16, 2006 06:41 AM