February 02, 2006


Peggy Noonan rips into WaPo tee vee critic Tom Shales today:

On the subject of political passion Tom Shales, longtime TV critic of the Washington Post and possessor of occasional eloquence, wrote a piece this week that deserves comment. I don't mean his State of the Union review, which began, "George Bush may or may not be the worst president since Herbert Hoover . . ." I mean his attack last Monday on "Flight 93," the A&E television movie on that fated 9/11 flight. Mr. Shales said it was shameful that vulgar dramatizers would "exploit" the pain of those on the flight and those they left behind. Or as he put it, he had, innocent that he is, thought it "unthinkable" that "even the sleaziest producers" would "exploit any aspect of a nightmare that the nation had witnessed in horror."

By exploit I think he means "remember." There is nothing vulgar, low or unhelpful about remembering the particular heroism of Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick and dozens of others. Their action--they stormed the cockpit that day, forced the plane down and kept it from hitting a Washington target, presumably the Capitol or the White House--was a moment of courage and sacrifice, and we all owe them a great deal. Imagine if the particular wound the hijackers meant to inflict had been successful that day. Imagine how much worse it would have been,

Remembering the men and women of Flight 93 isn't a self-indulgence but a duty. One senses in the Shales review the sneaky little suggestion that those who would remember, and who would tell this story (based by the way on the surviving telephone and other harrowing tapes of that flight) are in fact being political. But one suspects it is Mr. Shales who is being political. Maybe he fears those stupid Americans will get all emotional if they revisit part of the horror of that day, and go out and do something bad. Let's not speak of it lest the rabble be roused.

What a snob.

You wonder at the intemperance of angry young lefties and then think of the example set for them by exhausted old lefties.

Hear, hear. Purely by accident, I happened to catch "Flight 93" the other night and thought it very well done. I saw no signs of either hyper-sensationalism or any kind of perceptable political slant. Indeed, as far as political slants go, I think Peggy nails Shales' fat backside right to the wall.


UPDATE: Gary the Ex-Donk focuses on another section of Peggy's column, which I passed over largely because I had already said the same thing yesterday. However, his invocation of Prof. Wagstaff is too good to pass up. Heh, indeed.

UPDATE DEUX: Lawren K. Mills relays some very high audience numbers for "Flight 93".

Posted by Robert at February 2, 2006 09:51 AM | TrackBack