September 04, 2008

Gratuitous Post-Palin Speech Observation

Back on August 30, I said:

My guess would be that the MSM should be reeeeeeal careful in serving up this kind of condescension in its effort to smother the emerging Palin mojo, because it might very well backfire. If she, in fact, can't handle going to the Show, that'll emerge soon enough without any press prompting. However, if she's got what it takes and the MSM is perceived as simply trying to stop her, well, it strikes me that neither the GOP base nor middle-of-the-road voters will put up with that kind of naked bias and instead will see it as all the more reason to rally round.

I'm hereby doubling-down on that prediction.

STRAW-IN-THE-WIND UPDATE: One of the reasons for my increasing confidence is that the Missus, who generally loathes bumper sticker politics, is slapping one of these on the back of her car:


Anyone capable of getting the Missus enthusiastic about their campaign to this extent has got some serious mojo going on.

Posted by Robert at September 4, 2008 01:25 PM | TrackBack

My three main interests this election year are energy, immigration and the military. While I know nothing of Ms. Palin's stance on immigration, she sure made it clear what her stance was on energy and the military last night...
She rocked the house!
And, sorry to say that yes, I find it very historic that the female sex is now within striking distance of the White House. Yes, I think that is significant...
Can you imagine the fall out if the repubs are the first party to put a female in the #2 slot after all the stuff shoved down our throats for decades by the Dems? Truly amazing!

Posted by: Babs at September 4, 2008 04:22 PM

I'll just make another comment here: I would actually be afraid of putting any kind of repub banner on my car for fear of vandalism. I live in a true blue community and I wouldn't put it past any of the crazies with which I shop to key my car for the cause. I was just thinking about that today and I am actually AFRAID of putting a sign on my car or lawn contrary to the dem position.
I know, that is a very sad thing to say but, I fear it is the reality...

Posted by: Babs at September 4, 2008 04:27 PM

Not only did I hit cafepress for my "I heart Sarah" lawn sign and bumper sticker, I also dropped massive coin at the optician today to get me some-a them there Sara specs. I've been shopping for new glasses for some time, and now seems as good a time as any. I told the guy I was the first in the door to ask about this, but not the last. While i was there, at least 1 phone call came in about rimless specs.
Wonder if I can link you to what I got. You like? ==>

Posted by: Monica at September 4, 2008 05:44 PM

Not only did I hit cafepress for my "I heart Sarah" lawn sign and bumper sticker, I also dropped massive coin at the optician today to get me some-a them there Sara specs. I've been shopping for new glasses for some time, and now seems as good a time as any. I told the guy I was the first in the door to ask about this, but not the last. While I was there, at least 1 phone call came in about rimless specs.

Posted by: Monica at September 4, 2008 05:45 PM

Tres chic. I asked the Missus if she thought the whole rimless spec thing would take off as a fashion. "Oh, it already has," she replied.

Posted by: Robbo the LB at September 5, 2008 07:32 AM

My dad (a college professor) did have his car keyed during the last election for his W sticker. Tolerance only for those who agree with us!

Sarah pleases me much more than I thought any candidate would and watching certain people foam at the mouth is only part of the pleasure.

Posted by: Jordana at September 5, 2008 10:21 AM

I've had my car keyed, my stickers scraped off, hell, someone once stole my American flag from in front of my house. Screw 'em, the more obvious they make it that my expressions of opinion and patriotism piss then off, the more I enjoy doing it.

Posted by: Boy Named Sous at September 5, 2008 08:46 PM

I posted the below on another blog whose proprietor said, "it's time to stop celebrating mediocrity." Since I like it, I'll post it here, too:
Your 'celebrating mediocrity' line is interesting. Murray, both in Bell Curve and in some later writing, suggests that meritocratic mechanisms (SAT, hugely demanding college entrance, nationalizing the college applicant pool) have been hoovering up the best and brightest from the whole society, leaving fewer highly capable people in the lower quintiles.

Palin is - the Palin pick is looking like sheer electoral genius at the moment. Given the extent of national revulsion towards W, the percent of voters identifying as Dems versus Reeps, and the overwhelming press sympathy towards Obama, to have the contest be close at this point seems incredible. Palin has got McCain into the position of being the candidate of everyone who went to Chico State instead of Princeton. She's going to start mentioning that Obama drinks herbal tea next and sew the whole thing up. Six colleges in six years! take that, Princeton swells!,0,3284051.story

I'd have been happier if the election had been about issues, instead of the Eloi versus the Morlocks. I do think Palin looks like a very strong counterexample to Murray's claim - this is someone who came out of the middle-middle and is clearly enormously capable, took on the Murkowski machine and beat it like a gong, very popular in her state. Obama understands that he has a big problem with the Morlock vote, lost it heavily to Clinton, and Biden was his big outreach there. Palin is going to do McCain a lot more good than Biden will Obama. dave.s.

Posted by: dave.s. at September 7, 2008 06:11 AM