July 14, 2008

Random Commuter Observation

It was actually cool and pleasant enough this morning in Your Nation's Capital that I did not feel compelled to get my daily jumbo latte iced.

Not too shabby for the middle of July. Global warming or no, this has been a pretty decent summah so far, with lots of rain and only occasional outbursts of truly awful weather.

(Of course, as soon as he reads this Heat Miser is going to reach for the throttle.)

Posted by Robert at July 14, 2008 07:52 AM | TrackBack

Ditto here on Long Island. We haven't had to water the grass yet this summer! I think it might be some kind of record.
However, I think the Heat Miser did read your post. It is supposed to be 95 degrees on Wednesday.

Posted by: Babs at July 14, 2008 03:19 PM