January 29, 2008

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

My trip got cut a bit short owing to unforseen circumstances, so I was able to hop a flight back to Dee Cee earlier today than I had thought.

The bad news is that I discovered to my horror that my colleague on this jaunt is a Ron Paul supporter. A very avid one. A very bitter one. Despite every hint I could think of to try and deflect him, he insisted on laying out why teh Paul is the only true Conservative in the whole GOP bunch over drinks last evening. The entire time, this little ditty first seen over at Kathy's kept wandering through my mind:

Sigh. It was a long evening. Place muzzle against temple. Pull trigger. Repeat as necessary.

CLARIFYING UPDATE: That's against my temple, not his.

Posted by Robert at January 29, 2008 04:33 PM | TrackBack