January 24, 2008
And Now For Something Completely Different.....
Whoops! I see that I've been rayther cranky here today. My apologies. As I stood in the freezing cold waiting for my train to show up this morning, I also happened to read the first sixty-odd pages of Stanley Loomis' Paris in the Terror, my copy of which was just delivered yesterday.*** I expect this had something to do with it.
***Oddly, this is a book that I remember from my parents' library from my earliest yoot, but had never got round to reading. But Mom was quoting some passages at me t'other day and I suddenly got the urge to dive in. Glad I did, but it makes one extremely tetchy on the subject of people who believe they can bring about Heaven on earth.
Anyhoo, in order to shake things up, how about a golden oldie that always makes me smile?
Ah, that's better!
Posted by Robert at January 24, 2008 02:41 PM | TrackBack