January 23, 2008

Must Read (Political) Post Of The Day

Via The Anchoress, who pulls no punches taking the GOP base to the woodshed.

If Ronald Reagan were alive right now, watching the GOP split into these tantrum-throwing factions (whereby “perfection” is duly defined as “pro-life, pro-gun, pro-free-market, pro-worship, pro-Bush-doctrine, pro-tax-cut, pro-ship-back-all-illegals” and then, as each less-than-perfect candidate’s failure on one or more issues is noted, each are thus deemed unworthy of the support of the pristine and uncompromising “base”) I think he’d be disgusted with the lot of you.
Read it all. "It's Gold, Jerry! Gold!"

Posted by Gary at January 23, 2008 02:09 PM | TrackBack

She's right. I'd take any of the surviving four (McCain, Giuliani, Romney, Huckabee) and vote for them without regret, considering that the three Dems are wrong on virtually every issue.

Giuliani is the only one who gives me serious pause because of the issue of abortion, but again, considering the alternatives (all 3 Dems are slavishly pro-choice), I'd have to take him at his word that he wants strict constructionist judges, and vote for him because he's right on the other issues.

Half a loaf is better than none. Three quarters of a loaf is better still.

Posted by: The Abbot at January 23, 2008 02:43 PM

Pheh. I don't like to be scolded by anyone, let alone, a RINO harpy. She does not "get" the Reagan references many people like Limbaugh make these days. NOT that Reagan was Jesus, mind you, but these "move on, people!" types don't get it. We're not looking for a "new" Jesus just because he was so, y'know, "33A.D.". Some people speak and teach unceasingly about what their passion, their "movement" is, and Reagan was that.

I could go on; on a harpy rant of my own, but all that being said, of course I'll vote for Homer Simpson if he runs against Hillary, and so will most of the others who threaten to "sit it out."

Posted by: Monica at January 23, 2008 07:51 PM

I just think it is wayyyy to early to be talking about sitting anything out. First we need to remember the presidential election is a package deal and we do not know who the Republican package is going to be. Second is the actual campaign where the Republican package makes its case and contrasts itself with the Democrat package. When that time comes and if in fact they truly are indistinguishable from each other THEN you can start talking about sitting.

Posted by: Mike at January 24, 2008 11:10 AM