January 22, 2008

I've Got A Baaaaad Feeling About This

Half of my office showed up for work this morning with a wicked pissah flu. Now I happen to feel just fine n' dandy at the moment, but my birthday is coming up Saturday and I have to fly out for a deposition Sunday night.

Think I don't see this one coming? Where'd I put those zinc supplements?

MID-DAY UPDATE: Okay, not feeling so fine and dandy anymore. Geh. But no! I refuse to believe that there is any connection! I just didn't get a very good night's sleep last night, that's all. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Posted by Robert at January 22, 2008 10:27 AM | TrackBack

If they have a "wicked pissah flu," why the hell did they show up for work???

Wash your hands! Don't touch your face!

Oh...wait...sorry. For a minute there I thought you were one of my kids!

Posted by: GroovyVic at January 22, 2008 10:30 AM

Exactly. You should tell your boss that you are taking some sick time (so you don't get sick for your deposition) until those who are sick use their sick time. They aren't being all that productive and they'll bring down the productivity of the other half -- when they get sick.

Posted by: rbj at January 22, 2008 10:31 AM