January 20, 2008

Gratuitous Llama Political Observation

If it came down to it, I could live with McCain. Yes, there are some -cough- things -cough- I hate - McCain-Feingold - about his record, but I'd certainly trust him on foreign policy, which as I've said is the big issue for me this year.

If you'd have told me back in 2000 that I would be saying this now, I'd probably have howled with derisive laughter.

UPDATE: The Irish Elk has more on McCain as a Scoop-Jackson Donk in Elephant Clothing. Yeah, maybe. But again, I say, consider the alternative.....

UPDATE DEUX: Flipping about the blogsphere, I notice several conservative types - Ace and Jeff Goldstein come to mind - making Achilles-sulking-in-his-tent rumblings. While I appreciate their frustration, I can't approve their means of showing it. This ain't 1992 when the country was drowzing in false peace. We're in a proxy war against Iran already and likely to be in a full-scale one in the next couple years. God knows what's going to happen to Pakistan and, of course, we can't let up on the Al-Q boys anywhere else. Plus, the next prez is going to pick how many Supreme Court justices? Two? Three? Truth of the matter is that there's just too much Real Life Stuff at stake for conservatives to let She Who Must Not Be Named take the helm just to teach the GOP a lesson this year.

Posted by Robert at January 20, 2008 04:00 PM | TrackBack

Nope, Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom pretty much sums up my feelings.

Posted by: Mike at January 20, 2008 04:23 PM

welcome aboard.

Posted by: tdp at January 20, 2008 07:49 PM

If it comes down to McCain vs. Her Royalness or Barack, I could live with the senator from Arizona.
I'd certainly prefer him to Huckabee too.

Posted by: rbj at January 20, 2008 07:53 PM

Yeah, pace Goldstein, I'm not a big fan of the Achilles-sulking-in-his-tent sentiment in the GOP. Am I particularly happy about McCain? No, of course not. But compared to what the Donks might serve up? Is this really an argument?

Posted by: Robbo the LB at January 20, 2008 10:39 PM

I've said this before, I'll say it again...

I will vote for whomever is against Hill or Obama - the thought of either of them in the WH is horrifying (in terms of TWOT/Iraq).

The lesser of two evils and all that...

Posted by: jen at January 21, 2008 08:35 AM

I'm with Jen, I'll vote for whomever is the candidate against Hilary or Barack. The problem in the meantime is finding someone I can stomach to vote for in the primaries.

Posted by: Jordana at January 21, 2008 10:50 AM

There will be a lot of nose-holding - the real threat is the lack of motivating candidates on the right, but if Kerry could muster the kind of anti-vote he did, we may have a chance after all.

Posted by: tee bee at January 21, 2008 11:22 AM

Jordana - the bet is that McCain is the only one who could win in the general election. That's my bet, anyway. Please give it some consideration. My biggest fear is that Republicans en masse go for protest votes of one kind or another and then we have a very boring general election that results in the Inevitable Coronoation that restores the throne to it's Rightful Rulers. (I mean, have you seen Bill lately? Enough of this dynasty garbage.)

Posted by: tdp at January 21, 2008 01:49 PM