January 17, 2008
Former TV President Backs Obama
Dennis Haysbert who played President David Palmer on the hit show "24" comes out for Barack Obama and opines that "his character on the FOX hit is at least partly responsible for opening America's mind to a black commander in chief".
Actually, I partially agree with him. Being a big fan of the show myself, I can attest to the fact that Haysbert's performance was so compelling that the fact that he was African-American was irrelevant. Even in the first season, which highlighted the historic implications of his fictional Presidential campaign, the character was never even remotely defined by his race but rather by the leadership qualities he displayed - which made him a fan favorite since day one.

"Face it, Wayne. Even you're no David Palmer."
While President Palmer never really had the opportunity to reveal his political idealogy in general, the character was written as a Democrat. It was his steadfast resolve and conviction in fighting the terrorist enemies that won him his popularity among viewers. (Incidentally, Haysbert himself is a Liberal Democrat who has cited his Presidential influences as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.)
On the one hand, if you're inclined to think that race is an issue in choosing a President I suspect it would take more than a popular TV character to open your mind to the idea.
However I also believe that any candidate for President - man or woman, black or white - who demonstrates the qualities of a President David Palmer would be pretty popular with American electorate. Considering his Liberal positions, though, I don't see Obama as that candidate.
h/t: Jonathan Garthwaite at Townhall.com
Posted by Gary at January 17, 2008 10:52 AM | TrackBackNext will come Martin Sheen / Josh Bartlett giving endorsements. Bets anyone?
Posted by: kmr at January 17, 2008 06:02 PM