January 14, 2008

Last Night on the Amazing Race . . .

. . . the four remaining teams were in Japan when they received instructions to fly to Taipei, Taiwan.

Nate said to his partner Jen, "I don't know anything about Taiwan except that I like Thai food and I have some Thai friends."

Can you hear me snickering?

Jen spent the rest of the race being unbearably bitchy and snarky about another team and whining that Nate was being mean to her on her biiiiirthdaaaaaaay!

Then, in one of the most satisfying turns of event, ever on Amazing Race, they came in last and were asked to leave the race.

That leaves three teams I like competing for the million dollars next Sunday night. Can't. Wait!

Posted by Chai-Rista at January 14, 2008 02:28 PM | TrackBack

You still watching that trash reality tv? tsk, tsk.

Oh, yeah, and I don't.

Great though that the three teams next Sunday are all your faves! You're in a win-win-win with this one aren't you!

A tall glass of Thai iced tea for ya, sweetie.

Posted by: keysunset at January 14, 2008 03:48 PM

I'm with you, Chai-Rista, though I was bummed when the Goths were eliminated. they were actually nice people.

Posted by: Boy Named Sous at January 14, 2008 04:19 PM

It is stunning 1) because the teams left are all likeable and 2) I think it is a first that my favorite team (Nick and Don this time) has not been ousted by the irritant team who then go on to win it.

Posted by: Taleena at January 14, 2008 05:24 PM

It's was sort of unfair that that leg was in Taiwan. Ronald and Christine breezed through it beause they spoke Chinese. I absolutely despised Nate and Jen. Don't these people in romantic relationships realize, it's not about the race? After the inevitable break-up who would ever want to date one either of them?

Posted by: oclarki at January 14, 2008 06:05 PM

I was bummed when the Goths got booted too. They were sweet kids.

Posted by: Chai-rista at January 15, 2008 09:39 AM

I kind of liked the Goths, too. Somewhat dimwitted but well-intentioned, and good to everyone around them. I kept thinking they'd get weird reactions from people when they left America, but everyone took them in stride, which amazed me. I thought for sure they'd get roasted and eaten at some point in the journey.

I'm actually rooting for the hippies (TK and Rachel) this time, because they take everything in stride. The oldsters are a little too annoying for me. At least this year, the producers have figured out that you need to pair an oldster with a youngster; that two oldsters together is simply a recipe for either early elimination or tragedy.

Posted by: The Abbot at January 15, 2008 10:23 AM

Somewhat dimwitted but well-intentioned, and good to everyone around them. Agreed, the same things I liked about them. And incredibly good to each other -- the antithesis of Nate and Jen.

Posted by: Boy Named Sous at January 15, 2008 02:34 PM

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Posted by: koko at July 16, 2008 03:51 AM