January 14, 2008

Who The Hell Is Froma Harrop?

Don't ever say that I'm not constantly on the lookout for new rats to serve up on sticks to our loyal llama readers.

Whilst on my travels last week, my hand fell across a copy of the San Antonio Express nooz-paper. Idly flipping through the opinion columns, I came across this one about the Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy story by somebody named Froma Harrop, of whom I'd never heard before but who seems to be a syndicated columnist of some sort. (The link is to another paper's website - I couldn't find the column on line at the Express.)

Harrop starts out ranting about the fact that the 16 year old "nice" sister-o-Britney star of some show for young girls suddenly turned up pregnant and broadens out into a general critique of what might be called the Spears' family business model, which is - to put it tamely - pretty damned sordid. In particular, Harrop goes after the Spears sisters' mother for, as she puts it, "serving up her young daughters" for public consumption.

All fine and dandy. Until I got to the one paragraph in which Harrop opines about what Mrs. Spears ought to have done with regard to Jamie Lynn:

It's now Jamie Lynn's turn at bat. She established her virginal bona fides in "Zoey 101." Then she's turned 16, time for her high dive from chastity into the pits of sexual availability. Mom could have insisted she use birth control. She could have helped Jamie Lynn quietly end the pregnancy. But the business model requires a drawn-out public decline.

Emphasis added. Is this appalling or am I completely out to lunch? I'd have thought that the mother's duty would be to try and prevent the child's "high dive", not to stand by with floaties when she lands in the pit. I gather that "Mom" didn't lift a finger regarding the former (from brief conversations, I understand that among other things, she not only permitted the kid to date a 19 year old guy, she also condoned regular "sleepovers"), and I find Harrop's criticism that she didn't do the latter to be....horrifying.

Interestingly, I mentioned this column to several different people over the weekend, specifically focusing on Harrop's failure to confront the underlying behavioral problem and instead to serve up bone-chilling suggestions for how the consequences of such behavior ought to have been "quietly" disposed of. Each of them said the same thing: that such a suggestion was positively Clintonian.

Posted by Robert at January 14, 2008 10:09 AM | TrackBack

I think that the problem is a deep-seated one in our culture. Sex is an act that is fraught with profound significance, but we want to treat it as something that is no more significant than racquetball. Well, maybe the greatest, bestest game of racquetball evah, but still, something that can be done casually with absolutely no moral consequences.

I think for society to endorse anything other than "this ought only to be done in the context of marriage" opens up a veritable Pandora's box of social ills, be it prostitution, STDs, pornography, divorce, illegitimacy, abortion, etc. Truth is, the act is fraught with all kinds of meaning and significance and possible dreadful things happening. We all wish it wasn't. But it is.

The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that JP II was right.


Posted by: The Abbot at January 14, 2008 12:02 PM

You don't know who Froma is? Hello? Hellooooo? You did go to college in Connecticut, crew, law school and for a few weeks more...an Episcopalian? Again...hellooooo?

Froma is Ellen Goodman-lite.

Please don't say you don't know who she is.

Froma is with the Providence Journal Register...total commie-pinko rag...

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at January 14, 2008 12:22 PM

You don't know who Froma is? Hello? Hellooooo? You did go to college in Connecticut, crew, law school and for a few weeks more...an Episcopalian? Again...hellooooo?

Froma is Ellen Goodman-lite.

Please don't say you don't know who she is.

Froma is with the Providence Journal Register...total commie-pinko rag...

One of my old painting masters' family owned it.

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at January 14, 2008 12:22 PM

The Pro-Jo has been owned for several years by Belo Corp of Dallas. Under private ownership it used to be higher quality than it is now. If they went intensely local, they could be very good again. RI government combines the competence of Louisiana and the ethics of New Jersey; there are endless opportunities for investigating scandals and corruption. Froma Harrumph is unlikely to contribute to any such effort, however.

Mrs. P - painting master? - are you by any chance a former RISDroid?

Posted by: chuckR at January 14, 2008 01:20 PM

Did Ms Harrop actually have a point? I realize it isn't always easy to have much to say in a twice weekly column (and I wouldn't want her to despair by reading Lilek's Bleat every day) but that arrangement of words had less substance than a cubic meter of intergalactic space.

Posted by: rbj at January 14, 2008 01:46 PM

"...are you by any chance a former RISDroid?"

Nope. I went to art school in Boston.

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at January 14, 2008 03:49 PM

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Posted by: koko at July 16, 2008 03:20 AM