January 06, 2008

GOP Debate Quick Hits (Part Deux)

- I watched the Frank Luntz "patented" dial-o-meter focus group and you can only come to one of three conclusions: 1) the "undecided" group of 30 were all actually in the tank for Romney and pretending to be "undecided", 2) they were under secret mind-control from the Romney campaign or 3) Mitt Romney did a lot of good for himself tonight. My gut tells me he did well for himself, specifically in making the case that a President does best when he has a good amount of executive experience under his belt. If Romney wins on Tuesday, you can point to this debate as a turning point.

- McCain definitely dialed it back a notch from last night. He was less "testy" and "bullying" than last night. He made better cases for his candidacy which helps him. The immigration issue, however, may prove to be his Achilles Heel. It may also be the thing that makes voters say "yeah, he did do a lot of things in the last seven years that really pissed me off".

- Ol' Fred is just fading into the background. I really like him but, honestly, when I listen to him talk I think he'd make a great part of the next administration. But President? Eh, not so much.

- Huckabee did pretty well. I think his answer to Wallace's question over his recent foreign policy "gaffes" was very good. I'm a lot less frightened at the prospect of his being the GOP nominee but he's still number five out of a field of five for me.

- Giuliani didn't hurt himself tonight. He still remains in the hunt if we get to a stalemate by the time Florida rolls around. But after New Hampshire he needs to kick it into gear if he expects to be in control by Feb. 5th.

- Did I say yesterday that I don't mind Ron Paul being in the debates? Screw that, it was refreshing not having him around. What a pain in the ass. Might as well have a Democrat up on the stage.

Recent polls show McCain's lead dwindling. Don't know if it's Mitt mojo or if it's just too close to call.

I will say this. After watching two debates in the last twenty four hours I feel a lot better about the choices we have than the Dems have.


Huckabee's in trouble in the Granite State, according to Jackie and Dunlap, because "New Hampshire hates Jesus".

Posted by Gary at January 6, 2008 10:20 PM | TrackBack

How DARE you speak of Dr. Paul that way!

Just kidding, whenever I write about Dr. Paul on my site I usually get flamed by a more than a few of his supporters, but I don't mind it. It's kind of like eating spicy food, you know you're going to pay for it latter, but its great at the time.

I am kind of with you on the "undecided" panel they used. They seem to either be Romney supporters or Mitt did a much better job than I thought he did.

Too bad about Fred. If a republican wins, can they make a new cabinet position? Call it "The Franklin".

Fred would be great for that post, he could walk around the White House and Congress just telling different people, "Wow, you're either incredibly stupid or I need to get out more". Things like that. Could you imagine Fred sitting in on a meeting? If Fred starts to roll his eyes when someone is talking, you could feel free to stop the person speaking and slap him.

Fred for 'Franklin' 08'!

Posted by: Yolo Cowboy at January 6, 2008 10:42 PM

The negative ad Romney's running against McCain on the amnesty bill (which is one of the politest negative ads I've ever seen, by the way) may be taking its toll. It is on the Boston stations around the clock.

The ads by the Democrats are also on all the time -- I mock John Edwards' ad because it seems to be saying "elect me and you'll get the weakest President since Jimmy Carter". And Obama? His ads seem to be based on the idea that he's too pretty not to be President.

Posted by: The Abbot at January 7, 2008 07:53 AM

What is this thing with Southern Governors and angry eyes?


First it was Carter.

Then Clinton.

And now Huckabee.

By the way, Huckabee is a creep.

Ed Rollins as his campaign manager? How dumb can someone be. Remember the time he shot off his mouth about supressing the black vote in NJ by paying off churches so Whitman could win?

Don't think for a moment the Dems have...

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at January 7, 2008 09:44 AM

They hate Jesus. And taxes.

But taxes more.

Posted by: The Abbot at January 7, 2008 01:46 PM

Being anti-war does not make you a Democrat. His anti-war stance is much stronger than most of the leading Dems and pretty much every other policy he has are extreme amplifications of Republican talking points. He has been marginalized by the Republican money machine because he is off the reservation when it comes to the war. I have seen both Paul and Huckabee compared to Democrats, both comparisons seem absurd to me.

Posted by: fish at January 8, 2008 11:41 AM

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