January 02, 2008

I Knew It!

Study shows congested traffic caused by: "motorists using cell phones" aholes.

New computer simulations show that chatty drivers — using regular cell phones or even hands-free devices — take longer to complete their trips because they drive more slowly on highways and pass sluggish drivers less frequently.

"At the end of the day, the average person's commute is longer because of that person who is on the cell phone right in front of them," said Dave Strayer, a University of Utah psychologist and leader of the research team.

It's been getting worse and worse in certain stretches for my own commute. And the kind of back-ups I see that used to be caused by accidents or stranded motorists now seem to have to apparent external cause.

And then I see these dimwits still talking as they walk from their cars - looking like they're chatting to themselves before I notice that stupid bluetooth thingy hanging off their ears. Grrrr.

Posted by Gary at January 2, 2008 03:57 PM | TrackBack