December 17, 2007
Gratuitous Musickal Posting - Christmas Tips Division
Yesterday afternoon the eldest Llama-ette and I sat down for a session of carols. As I hadn't cracked the book in nearly a year, I was pretty rusty at the keyboard and, as is my wont when I play poorly, inserted a certain amount of rayther bad language not atall in keeping with the spirit of the season. (What was it Oscar Wilde said? "The trouble with playing in public is that when one plays well, nobody listens. And when one plays poorly, nobody talks.")
Anyhoo, in part to show off her own burgeoning piano talent, the gel insisted that she take over the ivories for "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" while I do the singing. I don't especially like this song, but I found it went by much more quickly when I adopted a different accent for each section. Thus, I sang the first verse as Kermit the Frog, the second as Senor Wences' "Close de door" character and the third as a Monty Pythonesque German of the "I assure you ze do, Mr. Ellis" variety. And I sang each refrain of the chorus as Opera Man.
The gel thought this was hy-larious. And I think I've founded a new tradition.
(The gel also tried to talk me into "The Twelve Days of Christmas," which I refused point-blank because I can't stand it. However, if she ever does get me to sing it, I may employ this same technique, although I'd have to take notes to keep track of which character was singing what verse.)
Posted by Robert at December 17, 2007 11:03 AM | TrackBack