November 06, 2007

Will Robbo the LLama Laugh or Cry?

This is the first post in our new feature: Will Robbo the LLama Laugh or Cry, where I find some link which goes right to the razor edge of Robbo's emotional buttons.

And we all know the biggest one, now that he's left the Pisky Church, is the Miami Dolphins.

So the link I present to you is this: on Google right now, there are one million, four hundred and sixty thousand or so webpages that contain the words

Ricky Williams latest

Currently, we are number five (behind the Marijuana Policy Project, no less).

So, will Robbo Laugh or Cry? Your predictions please, with the answer coming tomorrow afternoon.

Posted by Steve-O at November 6, 2007 10:38 PM | TrackBack