November 03, 2007

Chilly Ain't Just A Long, Thin Country In South America

After futzing around for most of October, Autumn has gotten down to business here in Northern Virginia. At the five year old's soccer game this morning, I found myself jumping about not so much in enthusiastic support for her team, but instead more to try and get my toes to warm up.

Also today I had my first encounter of the year with my old nemesis, the wind. I grow to hate the cold wind more and more each year. Some might say this is the flip side of saying "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" in the summer, but in fact it is different. As awful as it is, summer humidity is just a condition, a blanketing term of existence. The winter wind is different, seeming to possess a conscious will. It seeks one out. It delights in penetrating to one's very bones with its icy fingers. You can kvetch about the hot, soggy summer air, but you find yourself shouting directly at the winter wind to just leave you alone.

Anyhoo, on the other side of the coin, I'm already building a fire for the evening. So I got that going for me.

Posted by Robert at November 3, 2007 11:09 AM | TrackBack

I feel your pain. It's 70 degrees here today.


Posted by: Hucbald at November 3, 2007 04:56 PM