October 29, 2007

Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like A Skank

...is the title of a new book, featured in this ABC "LiveLeak" video segment:

Raising daughters in the 21st century must be a nachtmare. I have three boys myself, so I have no idea. Is the pressure to "skank-out" your daughter really that powerful? Or are some parents just that stoopid?

Heartfelt Yips! from Robbo: Well I dunno about some places, but in my neck of the woods it's definitely the latter. Stoopid, lazy or so absorbed with their baby-boomer quest to relive their own hedonistic yoot that they see no problem in hustling the girls along for the ride.

We've never yet had any trouble in preventing the Llama-ettes from turning into mini-skanks. Nor, so far as I can tell, have they become social pariahs because of it. (And before you start filling the Tasty Bits (TM) Mail Sack with snarky "Just you wait till their teens" comments, remember that we're talking about the under-10 crowd here.)

Posted by Gary at October 29, 2007 09:34 AM | TrackBack

You wouldn't believe what I saw a first grader wearing for the school Halloween party. Hello prostitot!

Posted by: GroovyVic at October 29, 2007 10:28 AM

One of my partners at the civilian job has two teenage daughters--one is in her second year of college and the other is a high school senior. His approach when his daughters wanted to wear something which showed too much skin was to tell them: "If you are showing, the boys will be looking and not just the hunks your age and a few years older--the wrinkled perverts will be leering as well." Worked every time.

Posted by: LMC at October 29, 2007 12:12 PM

I believe this conversation has been going on since the beginning of history...

Posted by: LB Buddy at October 30, 2007 10:05 AM