October 22, 2007

What Would Jo Harding Do?

This article about attempts to steer hurricanes (you know, so they miss the district of the congresscritter who controls NOAA funding and instead slash into the district of the guy who voted against HillaryCare) reminded me again of something somebody once said to the effect that the ultimate totalitarian pipe dream was to be able to outlaw bad weather.

It also reminded me again of this bit of throw-away utopianism from the Star Trek: TNG episode entitled "True Q":

DATA: I have some information regarding Amanda Rogers' parents. Records indicate that they died in Topeka, Kansas. Their home was destroyed during a tornado.

PICARD: A tornado? Why wasn't it dissipated by the Weather Modification Net?

DATA: Unknown, sir. The bodies were found in the rubble after the storm had passed.

PICARD: (a beat as he ponders) See if you can find out any details. I'd like to know more about that storm.

DATA: Yes, Captain.

As a general matter, I have no sympathy with this kind of trying to play God.

Posted by Robert at October 22, 2007 01:01 PM | TrackBack

Yummy. Helen Hunt in wet scoop-neck T-shirts.

I've always loved the scene where they move out en masse to Van Halen's "Humans Being".

Posted by: Captain Ned at October 22, 2007 09:19 PM