October 09, 2007

NH Voters Being Slowly Assimilated By The Candidacy Of SWMNBN

Dem primary voters sell out their principles hoping for a victory in November.

Don Schwartz, who describes himself as "a super-Deaniac progressive type," decided to back Hillary Clinton - whose centrist views, he concedes, do not necessarily match his own - for a simple reason. He wanted, finally, to be with a winner.

When Schwartz, the vice chairman of the Londonderry Democratic committee, started to contact his neighbors, with a goal of reaching 100 people per week, he thought he would have to appeal to their respect for her rather than their affection.

"I was actually surprised how many people said they were for Hillary," Schwartz said. "Now, they're getting to know her, and they're starting to like her. She is a nice person!"

Yep, Don. Keep telling yourself that. The rest of the electorate is just going to love her, right?

I wonder if this self-described "super Deaniac progressive type" used this same rationalization about John Effin' Kerry (who by the way served in Vietnam) back in '04?

But here's the best pull quote from that Boston Globe piece:

"She seems more human," Anna Chen, a 20-year-old Harvard junior from San Diego, said after a debate last week in Hanover. "Her laugh has gotten a lot better. Did you notice that tonight?"
She seems "more human"? Wow, that's like saying she's not completely unlovable. Sounds like a winner to me.

Posted by Gary at October 9, 2007 09:58 AM | TrackBack

So she's gone from Robbie the Robot to the Borg. I still don't like her or trust her. Not one bit.

Posted by: rbj at October 9, 2007 10:08 AM

Yeah, she's been working hard on that laugh. You know, in order to force it to sound more genuine.

Impossible to parody.

Posted by: Hucbald at October 9, 2007 02:29 PM

"The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy. But these are new. They look human. Sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait 'til he moved on you before I could zero him."

Posted by: The Colossus at October 10, 2007 08:17 PM