September 11, 2007

Your Morning Cup of Joe-Mentum

Lieberman on Iraq and the War on Terror: Not a battle between civilizations, but a battle for civilization:

As Ronald Reagan once said, now is the time for choosing. If we stand united through the months ahead, if we stand firm against the terrorists who want to drive us to retreat, the war in Iraq can be won and the lives of millions of people can be saved. But if we surrender to the barbarism of suicide bombers and abandon the heart of the Middle East to fanatics and killers, to Al Qaeda and Iran, then all that our men and women in uniform have fought, and died for, will be lost, and we will be left a much less secure and free nation.

That is the choice we in Washington will make this fall. It is a choice not just about our foreign policy and our national security and our interests in the Middle East. It is about what our political leaders in both parties are prepared to stand for. It is about our soul as a nation. It is about who we are, and who we want to be.

Will this be the moment in history when America gives up — when al Qaeda breaks our will, when our enemies surge forward, when we turn our backs on our friends and begin a long retreat from our principles and promise as a nation? Or will this be the moment when America steps forward, when we pull together, when we hold fast to the courage of our convictions, when we begin to turn the tide toward victory in this long and difficult war?

History tells us that appeasement of evil leads to disaster. Our cause is freedom’s cause. Together, we must prevail.

Read it all.

Posted by Robert at September 11, 2007 09:10 AM | TrackBack

Wake me up when he starts caucusing with the Republicans. He could single-handedly fire the entire seante leadership if he wanted, and really get serious about the war on terror. When he does, let me know. Until then, he's a democrat in all but name.

Posted by: Hucbald at September 11, 2007 09:03 PM