September 07, 2007

When Moonbats Attack

...or When The Angry Left Can't Control Their (Irrational) Anger. Former Air America star Ed Schultz lost it during an exchange over politics in a restaurant. Captain Ed is scratching his head over what is wrong with these people.

It's always amusing to see the violence inherent in the anti-war Left -- or at least it's amusing from a distance. When was the last time a conservative radio host got into a barfight? Do you suppose Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, or Michael Medved would take a swing at someone in a bar over a political disagreement? If they did, it would make national headlines. I wonder if we'll see the same kind of coverage about Air America's star.
If you go to the link and read about the exchange it seems that what triggers the violence is when the Lefty in question either loses the argument or finds themselves at a loss.

Posted by Gary at September 7, 2007 09:46 AM | TrackBack