September 06, 2007

Obligatory Musickal Posting

Luciano Pavarotti - R.I.P.

Not much more to say than that, as Pavarotti represented a style of big-lunged, swing for the fences - what? divoism? divoness? - that was terrific if you enjoy 19th Century Italian stemwinders, but not much use if your only real operatic love is Mozart.

Posted by Robert at September 6, 2007 10:12 AM | TrackBack

I can't remember if the first time I saw him was on Carson or Letterman, but I was enthralled and had that whole pimply goose-flesh thing going on. Later, they filmed the movie Yes Giorgio in my neighborhood in Boston, so I got to see him (And the late Eddie Albert) live and in person on the movie sets. He wasn't a great actor by any means, but when he did a take - whether it was acting or singing - he gave it his all.

I don't even like Mozarts operas, but I sure enjoyed his singing outside of the operatic format.

Godspeed, Luciano.

Posted by: Hucbald at September 6, 2007 10:09 AM