September 04, 2007

Justice David Souter: Misguided And Unstable

Every Conservative's favorite Supreme Court whipping boy, David Souter, allegedly had a little bit of a tough time dealing with the 2000 election.

According to Jeffrey Toobin’s new book on the Supreme Court, Justice David Souter nearly resigned in the wake of Bush v. Gore, so distraught was he over the decision that effectively ended the Florida recount and installed George W. Bush as president.

In “The Nine,” which goes on sale Sept. 18, Toobin writes that while the other justices tried to put the case behind them, “David Souter alone was shattered,” at times weeping when he thought of the case. “For many months, it was not at all clear whether he would remain as a justice,” Toobin continues. “That the Court met in a city he loathed made the decision even harder. At the urging of a handful of close friends, he decided to stay on, but his attitude toward the Court was never the same.”

If only he had retired. Sigh.


Of course, if this story is true it confirms the worst suspicions of many - that he's a BDS*-plagued moonbat. Sitting on the highest court of the land. Scary.

*Bush Derangement Syndrome

Posted by Gary at September 4, 2007 02:00 PM | TrackBack

Scary indeed.

Posted by: Christine at September 4, 2007 11:17 PM

Another data point to back up my assertion that lawyers ought not to be allowed to be judges and justices. We would do better to select them just like we select juries.

Posted by: Hucbald at September 5, 2007 01:40 AM