April 25, 2007

Twelve years in Catholic schools pays off

You know the Bible 95%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

And the nuns wondered if I was really paying attention. . .

YIPS from Steve-O: And he rode into town on a pale donkey...

You know the Bible 100%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Posted by LMC at April 25, 2007 11:48 AM | TrackBack

And 37 years of torture as an Episcopalian has paid off too. (Ok, ok, only the last 10 years were only pure hell.) Patum Peperium is #4 on google for Episcopalian cartoon...

I didn't see Robbo anywhere in the top 10....

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at April 25, 2007 11:55 AM

No, but we ARE #1 for "Episcopalian implosion."

So I got that going for me....

Posted by: Robbo the LB at April 25, 2007 01:45 PM

69% Based on cultural knowledge and lucky guesses.

Posted by: rbj at April 25, 2007 02:06 PM

"Episcopalian Implosion" sounds like a great name for a band. I picture them as a bunch of rich suburban kids who do covers of The Clash.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 25, 2007 02:21 PM

#1 and #2 for Episcopalian girlie-boys....

Colossus, I picture the Episcopalian girlie-boys band as a bunch of rich suburban kids singing We Got the Beat and Manic Monday. Oh and My Baby Takes the Morning Train naturally...

Posted by: Mrs. Peperium at April 25, 2007 03:00 PM

And, naturally, a really killer version of "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?" and "Karma Chameleon". Featuring Bishop Gene Robinson on bass.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 25, 2007 05:56 PM

Funny that Steve-O and I each got 100%. I blame it on the expansion of the Scripture readings in the Novus Ordo Mass. Fruits of Vatican II -- even we Catholic boys are learning a little scripture.

The Motu will fix that. Mwa ha ha.

Posted by: The Colossus at April 25, 2007 06:00 PM

I got 79 percent mostly guessing.

But that quiz is bullcrap; everyone knows that Jeebus turned holy water into Guinness as his first miracle.

Posted by: Professor Chaos at April 25, 2007 07:42 PM