April 24, 2007

Thoughts on the Chicago Spire

I'm thinking ginormous Loofa.

Maybe they can call it the Engorged Ridged Gourd?

But that's just me, Mr. Vegas.

UPDATE: I was struck in Chicago when I was there two weeks ago by the enormous amount of construction going on in the area of the loop. From the looks of the pictures, the buildings seem fantastic, and wonderful contributions to the skyline. This one, I'm less thrilled about, as it has a certain quality to it that's hard to put into words: Daniel Burnham's marital aid comes about as close as I'm going to say.

Posted by Steve-O at April 24, 2007 01:59 PM | TrackBack

RWFL!!!! Snort!!! OMG - the world's biggest shower pal. Thanks for the Dr. Pepper Sinus Douche, BTW.

You tried to warn us with "Daniel Burnham's marital aid," but I wasn't prepared for the comparison to be quite so apt.

Posted by: Chai-rista at April 24, 2007 02:23 PM

You need to trademark the phrase "Dr. Pepper Sinus Douche" btw.

Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at April 24, 2007 02:43 PM