April 05, 2007
Whoa Nellie!
Al Gore is on to something powerful: not only has the temperature on Earth been rising the past three decades, it's been rising on Mars as well.
MOFFETT FIELD, Calif., April 5 (UPI) -- NASA scientists have found variations in the radiation reflected from the surface of Mars are contributing to climate change on that planet. Lori Fenton of the Carl Sagan Center, located at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., said the radiation variations produce increased dust transport and wind circulation, possibly causing that planet to be warming by approximately 0.65 degrees Celsius each year. That, theorize the scientists, might have in part caused the recent retreat of Mars' southern polar ice cap.Fenton and her colleagues used predictions from a Mars global circulation model that show large swaths of the surface have darkened during the past three decades as they were swept free of dust, leading to elevated air temperatures and increased wind stresses. The authors said that that, along with other climate-influencing processes on Mars, should be considered as an important component in future atmospheric and climate studies of the planet.
It's bad enough that the Chimperor thwarted the will of humanity by deep-sixing the Kyoto Treaty from the diplomatic purgatory the Clinton White House put it in, thereby making things worse on Planet Earth, but it's also made things worse on MARS!
I mean, that's got to be the root answer, right? What else could be causing global warming?
I mean, other than that.
UPDATE: Yeah, that's the stuff!
I often say this:
"Imagine I have in my left palm a beachball, and in my right a BB: The beachball is the Sol, and the BB is the Earth. The sun's output varies within a broad range over the course of over a thousand years, and the earth's orbit and angle vary over the course of over 20,000 years due to its processional orbit (Like an unbalanced top spinning). Any questions?"
I have never heard a leftard respond with, "I knew that"... because they are ignorant idiots.
Posted by: Hucbald at April 5, 2007 05:03 PMThere you go, using your terracentric Heinleinist planetist logic!
Posted by: Steve the LLamabutcher at April 5, 2007 06:56 PM