March 29, 2007

That Dee Cee State O' Mind

George Will reflects my thoughts on Dee Cee statehood exactly:

If majorities in both houses of today's Congress want the fewer than 600,000 residents of D.C. to be fully represented, they can accomplish that with legislation shrinking D.C. to the core containing the major federal buildings and monuments, and giving the rest back to Maryland. Democrats are uninterested in that because it would not serve their primary objective of increasing their Senate seats.

Of course, the major trouble with this is that the new Mur'land residents would also become new Mur'land drivers. And everybody with the least experience of traffic 'round here knows that all Mur'land drivers are, by definition, bat-shite crazy. Not in the uber-aggressive Mel Gibson Road Warrior sense, but more in the completely unpredictable ex- poetry major girlfriend sense. (I've long held the theory that there is some kind of chemical in the plastic covering MDOT-issued drivers' licenses responsible for this behavior.)

Posted by Robert at March 29, 2007 08:39 AM | TrackBack

I lived in Adelphi from 1997-2003, and BOY HOWDY can I affirm that MD drivers are batty. I also owned two motorcycles an NO CAR for that time, so I was extra-super vulnerable.

So nice to be back in Tejas... gonna be 82 degrees and 22% RH here today.

Posted by: Hucbald at March 29, 2007 09:17 AM

Radical suggestion: Washington D.C. should have no residents, and would therefore need no representation and no city government.

Congress should appropriate funds to purchase all private property in DC and evict everyone. Tear it down and turn it into parkland and extra space for the Smithsonian.

Renters would get moving expenses, as long as they moved at least 850 miles away, to a town with no more than 150,000 people by latest census.

Posted by: Any A. Mouse at March 29, 2007 04:32 PM