March 26, 2007

Ol' Fred Watch

Ol' Fred to Congress: Put Your Other White Meat Away, Son

Thompson on the pork-to-go cut n' run bill passed by Congress last week:

I’m puzzled there’s $283 million for dairy farmers in an emergency war-funding bill. But there’s also $74 million for peanut farmers so, I figured our soldiers are eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches; they need more milk to wash them down with.

Hey, I’m trying to keep an open mind, here, okay?

But I also wondered why the bill gives $25 million to spinach producers. Our troops should certainly eat their vegetables, but unless it turns out that there’s a scientific basis for that Popeye spinach thing, I don’t get it.

I’m also trying to figure out what $400 million for rural schools has to do with the war — unless that money produces students smart enough to explain why this bill includes over three hundred thousand dollars for the widows of two ex-House members, and $80 million for low-income rent subsidies.

There’s a lot in the bill I don’t understand, but this sort of makes sense. There’s $50 million for repairs to the plant that supplies electrical power to the Capitol — where Congress works. To fund and win the war, Congress does need electricity at least to do its job.

Ah, I get it. This bill isn’t just about funding the war for democracy and freedom in Iraq. It’s a political statement. And it’s about buying enough votes with pork in order to make that statement. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if Congress did have its power cut off every once in a while.

Show of hands for those of you who remember the old Eddie Chiles mad-as-hell radio spots during the Carter Administration. Ol' Fred's sounding more like him all the time.

Posted by Robert at March 26, 2007 02:10 PM | TrackBack

Well philosophically perhaps, but Fred would have to channel Gabby Hayes to sound like him linguistically.

Your Wikipedia link needs phonetics to capture Eddie in his glory, complete with "if ya don't have an ahl well, then git one."

We need more Fred speaking truth to the sanctimonious -- good article.

Posted by: capitano at March 26, 2007 10:55 PM