March 25, 2007

OK, Battlestar Galactica...WTF?


It seems that Messers Moore and Eick have gone and done it. They've successfully thrown a bigger curve ball to the fans than last season's wrap. I'm not worried about spoilers at this point because, frankly, if you're not already watching it (avert you eyes) than you probably won't be. So we're gonna let 'er rip.

Gaius Baltar...not guilty, with the Admiral being the swing vote in favor of acquittal. I must admit that Jr. Adama's testimony made me think...carefully. But he made some salient points.

Five little Cylons jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head...sorry, I have three young kids and I couldn't resist.

Tigh, Torie, Sam and the Chief. Cylons? Because they couldn't get a variation of "All Along The Watchtower" out of their heads? Perhaps. Number Five one would assume is Kara.

We'll have to wait until January 2008 for answers but, bravo to the producers of the show. Just when Fonzie was barreling down toward the ramp that would "jump the shark", Moore and co. manage to keep us riveted. A whole new season queued up for 2008. You bet I'll stay tuned.

UPDATE: Ronald D. Moore speaks!

Posted by Gary at March 25, 2007 10:41 PM | TrackBack

Grr...trackback threw an error. so...Ping!

I'll be tuned in for every moment, but I sure wish this entire season had been better.

Posted by: JimK at March 26, 2007 12:51 AM

It seems that with both this season and last season, they stuck in more than a handful of mediocre episodes to try and lengthen the season-long story arc. I'd rather have 13 excellent episodes than 22, with a third of them being lame.

Posted by: Gary at March 26, 2007 08:00 AM

After Starbuck's apparent demise in "Maelstrom," I was thinking, "That's it!? That's her fracking big-deal destiny? to die when she could have easily saved herself? WTF!!??"

If Saul Tigh is a Cylon, then the skin jobs have been around for way too long to be believed; Tigh was in the first Cylon war.

I think this is something else. Did anyone else notice that the only people having the Opera House dream were Cylons or half-Cylons -- except Laura Roslin? Baltar was in the dream but apparently wasn't sharing in it.

Posted by: McGehee at March 26, 2007 09:34 AM

The rumor mill says that Starbuck's ship didn't really explode but rather that she was sucked into a wormhole or something and come out on the other side of the galaxy (our solar system).

Even more intriguing is the idea that the "Eye of Jupiter" connects to the red "eye" of the planet Jupiter in our system as a portal from there to here.

Agree, the idea that Saul Tigh is a Cylon doesn't make sense. Nor does Tyrol being one. That would mean that his infant son is a half-Cylon like Hera. Why no big deal over his birth among the known seven?

Sam or Tory? Ya got me.

Posted by: Gary at March 26, 2007 10:41 AM

"Nor does Tyrol being one. That would mean that his infant son is a half-Cylon like Hera. Why no big deal over his birth among the known seven?"

Because the known seven don't know who the "Final Five" are. When Kara's ship exploded, I figured she was one. Kind of funny that the Chief is too, after all his angst and then relief over that question last season.

Boy is Callie going to be pissed when she finds out...

Posted by: Melissa Wiley at March 26, 2007 11:12 AM

Probably not what she was expecting when she conceived the child via Tyrol's "toaster stroodle", eh?

Posted by: Gary at March 26, 2007 12:16 PM

It was obvious that Starbuck didn't die in that episode. It wouldn't have made any sense, after all the set up the writers did. I was exepcting to see her, though not until next season. The Cylons don't know who the final five are, so they wouldn't have known that Tyrol's baby was a half-Cylon. Baltar was in the dream because Baltar is now in Six's head--I don't think it implies that Roslin is the last one. You may have a point about Tigh (I'll have to think about that), but you've got to admit, it was a shocker. I'm not sure why Tory is a character at all, much less why she turned out to be a Cylon. That was kind of a let down.

I doubt that Starbuck is the final Cylon. Could be, but that would be pretty obvious, wouldn't it?

The writers obviously didn't think through the trial much, and dropped a lot of the lead in. Remember that bizarre scene between Roslin and Zarek a few episodes back, when he said if she put Baltar on trial there'd be a revolt? His statement didn't make any sense then, and notice that it didn't go anywhere. Very little about the trial made sense; it's some of the weakest writing so far.

Posted by: rightwingprof at March 26, 2007 12:26 PM

I just hope it was the Hendrix version os All Along the Watchtower and not the Dylan one that was in their heads. If it's Dylan, I'm through with BSG.

Posted by: Hucbald at March 26, 2007 03:44 PM

Well, shoot. But I guess if Tigh can be a Cylon, anybody can. And it implies that the "Final Five" are better than the other seven models, because it's a damned certainty Tigh has aged since the first Cylon war -- you'd think Adama and Tigh's wife would have noticed otherwise. Or has there been something covering Cylon cosmetic aging that I missed?

I don't know. It still doesn't sit right with me.

Posted by: McGehee at March 26, 2007 09:19 PM